
違法ダウンロードは「みんなやっている」――多くの子供が正当化 - ITmedia NEWS


tonmanaangler 著作権欧州委員会の報告書」を翻訳してくれる人が出ることを期待。



Eurobarometer on Safer Internet for Children: qualitative study 2007


Eurobarometer's qualitative survey interviewed children of 9-10 and 12-14 years old from all 27 EU Member States plus Norway and Iceland. They were asked in-depth about how they use online technologies, and how they would react to problems and risks when using the internet and mobile phones.


The methodology used is that of group discussions – with, in each country, four groups of children (one in each of the above categories).

各グループのメンバーの人数は報告書の後ろの方にあった。各グループ6〜10名ずつでだいたい900人くらいかな? タイトルにもありますが質的調査(qualitative survey)です。統計的な奴じゃない。
この場合気になるのはそのメンバーの抽出法かなー? そのへんは各国機関に委託してるような感じで総合レポートには記載なさげ*1



As for the previous ones, this risk was very often mentioned spontaneously.

In the vast majority of cases, across all countries, children know that most of the downloads are illegal, but they minimise, deny or justify the practice.


  • Whether it is “illegal” or not is not always clear.(違法であるかは常に明確なわけではない)
  • “Everyone does it”, the mass nature of the behaviour “putting it in the clear” to some degree (“why not me, too?”) but also making the sanction very difficult and not very credible. Moreover, the example set by parents (who themselves often like downloading things) constitutes, in the children’s eyes, an implicit form of authorisation.(「みんなやっている」。親がそうしたダウンロードをしている場合もある。)
  • The download is for personal and private purposes, and therefore less serious than systematic recording for fraudulent resale.(「個人的な利用だからいい」)
  • The websites are assumed to remunerate the artists.(そうしたウェブサイトはアーティストにとって有益だと思う)
  • The argument of the harm inflicted on artists is not very admissible and not very credible.(アーティストの害になるという議論は,あまり適当でないか,確実ではない)
  • CDs and DVD are too expensive, and most children cannot afford them.(CDやDVDは高過ぎる)


  • “It’s illegal, but it does not look like it is illegal” (Boys group, 12-14 years, Denmark)
    • 「違法だけど,違法に見えないよ」
  • “But I do not understand that it is illegal” (Girls group, 9-10 years, Belgium)
    • 「違法だなんて思えないよ」
  • “It is wrong but not our fault” (Girls group, 12-14 years, Belgium)
    • 「おかしいよ。わたしたちの間違いじゃないはず」
  • “Downloading is illegal, it is not punishable whereas sharing the files is punishable” (Boys group, 12-14 years, Finland)
    • 「ダウンロードは違法だけど,それは罰すべきでなく,むしろファイル共有を罰するべき」
  • “Dad does it all the time” (Girls group, 12-14 years, Norway)
    • 「お父さんはいつもやってるよ!」
  • “People download, but if is just for themselves, it is less serious than downloading for burning and reselling” (Boys group, 12-14 years, France)
    • 「みんなダウンロードするけど,それはあくまで自分のためで,焼いて*3再販売するようなのと比べれば深刻じゃないよ」
  • “I don’t really feel guilty. It wouldn’t be on the Internet if it was like really illegal, they wouldn’t have it there” (Boys group, 12-14 years, United-Kingdom)
    • 「有罪とは思わないな。もし違法だってインターネットならそうじゃないんじゃ」
  • “They have a lot of money ! They don’t need my money” (Boys group, 12-14 years, Czech Republic)
    • 「連中はもうたくさんのお金をもってる! 奴らにぼくの金をわたす必要はない!」
  • “I really don’t care, it’s not my problem. Singers and actors are rich enough” (All groups, Italy)
    • 「わたしは気にしない。問題じゃないよ。歌手も俳優も十分にリッチじゃん」
  • “We pay because we are spending megabits !” (Boys group, 12-14 years, Portugal)
    • 「ぼくらは支払うよ,メガビットをね!」

In fact, for the very large majority, there is a considerable feeling of impunity and, in a way, the conviction of a form of “legitimacy”, if not legality, in downloading.

Only a minority says they are aware of the harm created and the “immorality” of this behaviour.

Many nonetheless suggest clearer rules and the possibility of “modest payment”.

Almost all state that they are prepared to carry on downloading, and do not see themselves refraining from doing it.

At the end of the day, the risk of downloading a virus seems to be more dissuasive than the risk of legal proceedings.




“You should have an adult present when you download things. I always have dad with me. When we download things, he has to do a virus check to be sure that we don’t get a virus.”
(Boys group, 9-11 years).


“I use a program called Limewire, and it is free I think, but there have been a lot of viruses lately. One example was when I was clicking on Chris Brown, and then I got a virus on my computer. Some hackers post a known song, and then it’s a virus. I thought it was a song I liked.” (Boys group, 12-14 years)

「ぼくはLimewireってのを使ってる。最近ウィルス多いね。このまえChris Brownをクリックしたら感染しちゃった」



